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 Pengen Browsing Tambah cepet?

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Jumlah posting : 75
Age : 36
Location : malang
Registration date : 03.11.07

Pengen Browsing Tambah cepet? Empty
PostSubyek: Pengen Browsing Tambah cepet?   Pengen Browsing Tambah cepet? Icon_minitimeSat Nov 03, 2007 5:14 am

cFosSpeed 4.01 Build 1302

During TCP/IP transfer, a certain amount of data needs to be confirmed upon reception before more can be sent. Stalling data confirmation results in delays and transfer-rate slowdowns, thus forcing the sender to wait. Especially for ADSL, it is possible to slow a download to a crawl by choking the upstream channel (which has the smaller bandwidth anyway) with an upload. This is because in such a scenario there is not enough upstream bandwidth left for data confirmation.

The standard solution so far has been to try and compensate for this by increasing TCP window size, thereby allowing more data to be sent without immediate confirmation. The main problem here is that this also leads to high ping times (latency) and significant delays during Webpage rendering. Latency of up to 2 seconds is not uncommon for TCP windows with a size of 64k. In short, huge window sizes just won?t let you achieve full download speed. By contrast, cFos Traffic Shaping prioritizes data traffic in such a fashion that important packets zip past regular packets. This way, receipts always arrive in time, and uploads won't ever choke your broadband connection again! cFos Traffic-Shaping technology recognizes a number of important packet types and prioritizes them not only to keep Internet traffic running smoothly but also to ensure particularly low ping times. This not only accelerates surfing and download speeds significantly, but it is also a decisive advantage for online gaming. With cFos Traffic Shaping, you will notice measurable improvements and benefits like:
* Full download rate during upload
* Consistently quick response time while surfing the Web or running other applications
* Improved VoIP speech quality

Cara nginstalnya:
1) Install cFosSpeed dengan cara klik 2 kali cfosspeed-v323-build1270.exe
2) Untuk registrasinya klik 2 kali key (cfosspeed registration key). bila disuruh memasukkan password maka masukkan serialnya : 2MWD-X3SU-FBH3-M4AC

Ini URL Downloadnya :

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